By Bridget End, PT, DPT. How many times have you told people that you run and the response that you get is, “Isn’t running bad for your knees?” As a marathon runner myself, I have heard that question countless times. Yet, for years before becoming a physical therapist, I didn’t know how to respond. Is […]
Read ArticleBy Bridget End, PT, DPT. Have you ever been told that you have a weak gluteus maximus (aka glute max) muscle, despite doing tons of bridges and deadlifts to strengthen them? If your answer is yes, then there is an underlying cause of the supposed glute max weakness. While there can be numerous causes, a […]
Read ArticleBy Jenna Zajac PT, DPT, PhD. The ITB is essentially a thick band of fascia that extends down the lateral thigh and has distalattachments to the femur, patella, and ultimately Gerdy’s Tubercle on the proximal tibia. ITBsyndrome is one of the most common causes of lateral knee pain in runners. Often an overuseinjury, this can […]
Read ArticleBy Jenna Zajac, PT, DPT, PhD. Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training involves applying external pressure to the extremities. This pressure is enough to maintain arterial inflow while occluding venous outflow distal to the occlusion site. The aim is to enable patients to make significant strength gains while lifting lighter loads, thereby reducing overall stress on […]
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